It just so happens I've got an RTL-SDR, a GPS receiver that outputs raw pseudoranges, and a signal splitter that lets me put the signal from one antenna into two receivers.
So if you like I can get the pseudoranges out of a commercial GPS receiver, and the raw signal from an RTL-SDR at the same time, which might help you pinpoint your last bit of location inaccuracy.
Would you be interested in that? Or do you consider this project complete?
Thank you very much for your thoughtful offer! I won't be able to readily work on side projects after starting my new role next week, and am content to consider this project complete for the time being. However, what you've proposed does sound interesting and fun. I'm going to go ahead and shoot an email to the address listed in your profile.
It just so happens I've got an RTL-SDR, a GPS receiver that outputs raw pseudoranges, and a signal splitter that lets me put the signal from one antenna into two receivers.
So if you like I can get the pseudoranges out of a commercial GPS receiver, and the raw signal from an RTL-SDR at the same time, which might help you pinpoint your last bit of location inaccuracy.
Would you be interested in that? Or do you consider this project complete?