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> I feel like there is quite a bit of overlap in hard-fact and future vision

Not to mention revisionism.

> Customers must believe that your product represents a whole new paradigm—often with its own ecosystem. (The iPhone wasn’t just a device; its App Store was a new way of interfacing with the internet.

"Its App Store" didn't come until a few years later. It was not a part of the iPhone vision, certainly not at launch.

There was a kind of behind the scenes ecosystem building in terms of AT&T's giving Apple an unusual (for the time) level of direct and complete customer/device control.

The iPhone wouldn't have been the iPhone without the work to create that wider context.

The better user experience that enabled Apple to give customers counted for a lot. The easy to use, free of telecom interference, App Store is a prime example that the unusual Apple/AT&T relationship allowed, even if it was not v1.0.

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