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Take a look at the memory pressure in task manager.

We use an M1 8GB MBA purely as a home browsing laptop and it constantly gets into yellow memory pressure with few tabs open across FF and Safari.

Performance might be acceptable but I’m sure it’s paging like crazy reducing the SSD, and hence the MBA’s life.

> It's never been a problem for me personally.

> Take a look at the memory pressure in task manager.

They just said it's never been a problem for it. What does looking at his memory pressure do? Give them a false sense that something is wrong now?

That said if I did regular development on my personal laptop, I'd want 16GB. But if it's not an issue for someone's use case, I don't see a problem.

Absolutely spot on. Try running a couple of small containers or browsing some code docs online at the same time and you’ll be swapping.

i would rather eat my thumb than run a container of anything on a macbook air. 8gb of ram is not for bloat-lovers. it works great for web dev.

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