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This has little to do with whether you are VC backed or bootstrapped.

The amount of effort to sustain yourself is going to be almost the same regardless of which category you are in. Either you have a category that is popular but will attract dozens of competitors no matter how small your niche is or you have a product that requires effort to market.

These days with so many no/low-code tools getting a product into market has never been easier. And that's both a positive and negative for bootstrappers.

A slight difference on the bootstrapped side is to only build what generates revenue from day 1.

Funded startups can have different metrics for growth.

Is revenue really the only metric though?

Bootstrapped means no pressure from investors, potentially infinite (or lifelong) runway.

A bootstrapped startup could go years before turning from a bunch of happy free users to a revenue machine

Bootstrapped and infinite runway doesn’t go hand in hand lol.

Runway always costs. By that definition it’s artificially subsidized.

That definition sounds more like a project than a product/startup.

Bootstrap is a business, cash flow is like blood flowing with oxygen in it, so the body can move and go do thing

Steve Blanks’s definition is a good or that a startup is a temporary organization dedicated to finding a repeatable and scalable business model.

Life costs money, if a project is coddled to never become a product. it’s artificially subsidized by an investor (you) and default dead.. and it’s not a business that makes profit to pay the Bills or pay for growth.

> Runway always costs. By that definition it’s artificially subsidized.That definition sounds more like a project than a product/startup.

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