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This is great. It's good to see someone attempting to identify a mistaken mental model and then correcting it.

In both formal and informal education, it is rare to see teachers/parents/mentors identifying misunderstandings and correcting them. All too often the one teaching reiterates the lesson material instead of asking the learner about their understanding and correcting misunderstandings.

I self-taught basic algebra with a "choose your own adventure" book that advanced to the next topic for correct answers and went through pages explaining the common misconceptions then returned to the question for incorrect.

(to be fair, class sizes were ~30 when was in school, so asking the learner about their understanding and correcting misunderstandings would not have been likely: assuming 40 minutes lecture time for a 50 minute class, that's 20 seconds per student, and at most ~2 minutes if no lecture time whatsoever)

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