I'm curious about the technical skills needed to pull this off. I'm not a maintainer and have never built a Debian package. It appears to me that it required a fairly deep knowledge of the package build pipeline to accomplish this. Is that well enough documented somewhere that someone with a technical background and desire to learn could pick it up? What's the possibility that this person (or team) has been an active participant in the Debian community? Likewise with the RH technology and team, if that differs.
The exploit obviously took someone with lots of black hat experience to write. The trie-based string comparison trick is particularly clever, though even that is fairly simple compared to the stuff that comes out of the likes of the NSO group (check out the Wikipedia article for "Weird Machines", that's the sort of stuff they write). The build process of the exploit is also somewhat interesting, but what kicks it off is just an extra m4 file that autogen picks up and dutifully runs with its out of the box settings. That extra file was just added by hand to the dist tarballs, since the server was also owned by the attacker. It doesn't appear in the repo anywhere. Five minutes of reading autoconf docs and you too can create an autoconf trojan with ease.
The various Jia Tan sockpuppets were actively pushing both Debian and Redhat to include the backdoored version of xz, so the answer to your last question is yes, they are in fact active participants in the community.