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I’m surprised how this can be number one on HN with 4 votes and no comments (regardless of merit or not of the content)

Looking at the past submissions it seems to be weighted by how fast it accumulates those up votes. It's already at 10 when I wrote this reply and likely more when I click 'reply'.

4 upvotes in like 5 minutes is actually a lot. Particularly on a Friday night, close to midnight.

I won't be surprised if moderator bias is in play. I saw 15 upvotes in 15 minutes. This post is planted at 1st position.

I've often suspected that there are many voting rings on here, another time a Youtube video downloader hit the front page.

I did inform the mods about the issue but they said that there wasn't any suspicious voting on that topic, though I do find that conclusion somewhat questionable since it's easy to create loads of accounts on here.

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