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i'm not suggesting we try to stop microsoft from using linux, but they certainly shouldn't be making key architectural decisions

Is there evidence that any Microsoft execs are pressuring Poettering? Wouldn't other people that work on systemd and linux object to poor architectural decisions? This is a key feature of open source development, it's just not so easily subverted.

I mean, Microsoft pays him a regular paycheck. I think you're moving the goalpost quite a bit to ask that the community accept anyone's contributions until solid proof of malicious intent is shown.

Are you prepared to accept my contribution? I sign my name "JiaT57notThatJiaTan"

I'm not moving any goalposts, you're saying someone with decades of open source kernel development and a solid reputation is no longer trustworthy because of who now signs that paycheque. That's just nonsense, and has nothing to do with the scenario you posed.

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This is not a "key architectural decision", it's a proposal for an informal standard on where/how to stick some metadata in an executable binary.

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