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TrueNAS CORE 13 is the end of the FreeBSD version (theregister.com)
12 points by DeathArrow 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Citing one of the sentences from here:

- https://blocksandfiles.com/2024/04/08/ixsystems-no-one-is-ge...

> I mean, do you care what operating system runs your microwave?

That is the neat part - if I have a choice - I do!

There are MANY NAS/storage solutions based on Linux and FreeNAS/TrueNAS CORE was the one I trusted because I knew that ZFS in FreeBSD was always a first class citizen - it was well integrated - along with ZFS Boot Environment support using beadm(8) or bectl(8) tool.

This is the solution I trust to keep my data safe - ZFS on FreeBSD - and it never disappointed me for almost two decades.

On the other hand - I do not have the same level of trust for ZFS on Linux - no to even mention BTRFS or other filesystems.

In the past I always recommended FreeNAS/TrueNAS CORE to my professional colleagues, family and friends as 'THE' solution for safe data storage along with other interesting features such as Bhyve VMs.

Now ... after seeing how iXsystems behaves - killing another of their 'products' based on FreeBSD (In the past they killed PC-BSD/TrueOS/Project Trident/... and maybe something else I do not remember now) I can not recommend any of their solutions as its just not 'stable' - they just lost my trust with these actions.

After TrueNAS CORE is gone and only Linux based TrueNAS SCALE exists - its just another NAS/storage solution based on Linux - nothing more - nothing less - no additional value added.

Hope that helps.

That's one of mine -- thanks for posting it again!

Some previous discussion here:


And someone who really Did Not Get It here:


A little off topic but does TrueNAS Scale require an Enterprise SSD for the OS drive? IIRC TrueNAS Scale runs Kubernetes under the hood. I'm curious if a regular consumer SSD would be quickly destroyed by the frequent random writes needed for K8s/etcd?

I'm running k3s & have no idea what you are talking about about. There is an incredibly modest write load. Etcd primarily captures the Desired State of the system, and that doesn't change except if you are there telling it to change. Containers logging is a much bigger write load for me, but basically irrelevant.

Anyone done a migration from Core to Scale and lived to tell the tale?

Also in that situation. Currently not really interested in updating. But at some point Ill have to do it. Have barley done anything and the TrueNAS Mini has just be chucking along for almost a decade now.

I know this is only one aspect of a migration but it was at least trivial for me to import my ZFS cluster from TrueNAS Core into TrueNAS Scale.

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