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For what it’s worth it’s actually at 72% support according to Can I Use data and nothing at all like your 1/3 claim and as I mentioned has a polyfill.

I don’t know why it is but almost every time I see your username pop up on HN it’s always bending over backwards to protect Apple from some perceived criticism. People are allowed to talk shit about them, they are going to be ok I promise.

That doesn't tell you how many different engines there are that support it though, only the amount of marketshare covered. Compare it to web-bluetooth (which both Apple and Mozilla have rejected and is hence not a standard): https://caniuse.com/web-bluetooth, which shows 76.24% (as of this post's time). Chromium-based broswers have it, others do not, hence it doesn't really matter what the actual percentage is, only which engines support it (and currently, of the big 3, only 1 does support it).

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