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Hacker Typer (hackertyper.com)
136 points by th0ma5 on May 20, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 34 comments

Previous posting of the original hackertyper.net from a year ago: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2485159

CodeTyper (a fork that added sounds) was posted a few days later. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2499883

Latest repost was http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3426699, 4 months ago.

hackertyper.net seems to be offline now.

It's online, sorry even when people link to a fork the original gets a huge spike and my poor server have some problem handling everything. It's nice to see that people still remember the source.

Yay! Now I can mash the keys as fast as possible and look like a bit of an idiot, yet still somehow magically be typing the code to a program I have yet to discern the purpose of!

Where does this get it's source? can we set it?

--EDIT-- seems it might be a fork of: http://hackertyper.net/ but that is a guess. and that is the linux kernel I was typing...

pretty slick, it's right at the top, you specify the file:

    < script type='text/javascript' >
    < /script >
here's the source then http://hackertyper.com/code.txt

edit: OH! right on... looks like the whole details are exposed through http://hackertyper.net


part of the Linux process identifiers.

Yay! to more people being exposed to a well-written C code :)


What do you feel makes this code well-written?


You seem to imply that this is not a well-written C code. Why do you feel this way?

Nice. I have been typing like crazy for a few minutes, then started to read the code.

I didn't know that nblocks = nblocks ? : 1 is equivalent to nblock = nblocks ? nblocks : 1. Pretty nice trick.

I believe that's a GNU extension, not standard C.

See for instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F:#C

HackerTyper.net is much better, custom files, the whole shebang.

Something similar with syntax hilighting and sounds can be found at http://codetyper.tk/

Grade A execution. I pressed buttons like an idiot with the lights off for 3 minutes while laughing hysterically.

I laughed out loud when eventually an "Access Granted" popped up.

In case anyone else is wondering when this pops up, press ALT three times. Pressing CAPS LOCK three times will result in "ACCESS DENIED"

I clicked the access granted another popup came up.

The contents were: (not sure if means anything, way too tired).


Sorry, but I don't suppose you'd be able to edit your post and paste that somewhere else? As a FYI it's broken the page layout somewhat.

(Chrome 19)

The page layout is broken for me, as well. There is no white space surrounding the tan comment area. Using Firefox 12.0.

Fantastic way to skate by in your corporate job.

Add a frown and pretend to be just slightly irked but still deep in thought. Sip coffee every 2 minutes and then stroke chin. Repeat daily - you'll be in that corner office in no time.

That will work great unless anyone asks you to explain the code.

Wait, won't you be seen as too indispensible to promote to the corner office?

Jamie Zawinski made a related hack called Jack.


Instead of code, mashing the keys produces "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

This creates a great opportunity to try doublehacking with your friends:


This must be what they use on TV when they're pretending to know about computers.

I submitted this a few weeks ago, got 1 point iirc. Why does this get over 100?

I cloned this for Emacs so that you won't look like you're writing code in a web browser of all places. Mostly because I wanted to see if this would be easier to implement in Emacs Lisp than JavaScript...it was.


Nota Bene: I wrote this ages ago back when people first talked about Hacker Typer.

>so that you won't look like you're writing code in a web browser


Your code breaks for me when the "hacker-typed" text reaches an UTF-8 symbol (← for example)

I look forward to the patch. :)

ACCESS GRANTED, story of my life ;)

i don't know what the site is doing

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