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This is a very shallow opinion. I, personally, avoid electron-js apps like the plague. Having 500 MB of RAM wasted by something as trivial as MS Teams or Insomnia is horrendous. ElectronJS apps tend to be not only inefficient but also much less reliable and poorly designed.

No, your opinion is out of touch. The companies that release these programs don’t care about 500 mb being wasted. What is your mom using? Very likely bloated software she unwittingly installed.

Look around, it’s a bloated, buggy world. Calendar apps aren’t being carefully engineered by European computer scientists.

>Electron apps tend to be poorly designed

How so, are you saying because they use Electron they’re inherently poorly designed?

> How so, are you saying because they use Electron they’re inherently poorly designed?

I’m not the original commenter, but Electron apps are regularly poorly designed and lacking quality. I won’t say it’s inherent to Electron, but it’s largely due to the fact that the standard controls offered by browser engines are incredibly rudimentary. They are still catered primarily to forms and simple interactivity in a document.

Rich interactivity requires you build your own or find some third-party package, whereas at this point most desktop UI toolkits have 20-30 years of development and refinement behind them.

Panels and panes are resizable and collapsible; you can have multiple free-floating, smoothly resizing windows; collections/tables will efficiently reuse cells to avoid tanking performance on long or infinitely scrolling lists.

All of this stuff is possible with Electron I’m sure, but the platform doesn’t offer it for the taking, so most don’t bother. And when they do, it’s less refined than what we had in desktop apps in 2005.

Do people care? Evidently not. I do though.

I care about my time on battery being cut by 90%. I am in no way above writing GUIs with web tech, but it's very noticably suboptimal for the UX.

Consumers and bosses don't care. They want stuff and they want it now

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