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IIRC most "native" apps in elementaryOS are written in Vala.

Why the quotation marks? If I recall correctly, Vala compiles (by way of C) into native code.

GNOME uses a lot of JavaScript nowadays, so large parts of an application can be interpreted. Here are the GJS docs, it gives you an idea of how much JavaScript there is: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/

Does Elementary use Gnome? I thought it was something else. It's been years since I've been on Elementary, but it didn't feel like it was just a Gnome skin iirc.

To my understanding, Pantheon is built from scratch, but it is still GTK. So it has a lot of similar fundamentals as GNOME.

it uses pantheon

Haven't they gradually been moving away from gjs though?

Sorry, meant native as in made by the elementaryOS team (it's an Ubuntu-based distro).

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