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That's exactly how Google Flights used to work when it was linked from search results. Now users get the benefit of competition and get to choose from a variety of intermediary services.

Google Flights is getting to be unsafe to use due to the proliferation of fly-by-night "travel agencies" undercutting the legitimate sellers by a small amount and getting users sent to disreputable pages to collect passenger information and payment. I almost fell for one of these scams after naively assuming Google Flights _surely_ wouldn't partner with illegitimate sites for ticketing... but that's the way things are going now.

I have a mixed feeling about this. One one hand when I search for something google directs me to content farma, not directly to place I want to visit. For example if I search for pearl I would like to see Perl site, not 'best languages of 2024'. This has not yet been do, it just illustrates my point.

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