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ChatGPT might get its own dedicated personal AI device – with Jony Ive's help (techradar.com)
14 points by cpeterso 70 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Why a pin? Make it a headband or a circlet. Go all in on the scifi-fantasy aspects.

A circlet can be secure in place, has more space for power and computation, and most importantly, fashionably acceptable if done and promoted properly. Not to mention all other benefits such as turning around at the same rate as the user moving their head or easy access to the user's senses (eyes, ears) to provide feedback.

I want my circlet of inteligence +2 now.

I already have devices that work great with ChatGPT - my smartphone and my watch. Both have dual microphones for excellent voice interaction. Most LLMs have HTTP APIs that cost pennies a month. Theres many ways to make HTTP POST requests to OpenAI. Android via Tasker. WearOS via Home Assistant. iOS and Mac via Apple Shortcuts. I don't want a local LLM either - they are slow as molasses on pocket sized hardware. The fastest LLM, Groq, is less than a second of end to end latency. The best LLM in my opinion, Claude, is around 4 seconds. A dedicated device accomplishes nothing but a money grab. I don't want more pocket clutter.

I wonder if there’s some “critical mass” for ML compute on device, that may make this kind of devices significantly more useful & usable.

E.g., running 70B or even larger model on device should allow to cut interactive response time, and should alleviate privacy concerns while enabling incomparably greater personalization (eg using all of your emails and chats as context); but will also have significant battery life implications unless there’s some breakthrough in specialized ML ASICs.

In any case, this is where part of that 1B of raised funds should be spent.

But to get to the “critical mass”, this looks more of a 100B+ effort.

A SaaS company is vaguely entertaining the idea of making a physical accessory, with the help of the guy responsible for mac laptops having class-action-lawsuit-quality keyboards for the better part of a decade? And- gasp- it might contain an ARM processor? What a scoop!

> guy responsible for mac laptops having class-action-lawsuit-quality keyboards for the better part of a decade

Ive was always more smoke than fire but his achievements are significant going back to the Newton era.

It’s a good idea.

I want to do a presentation and have the slides work out which one to show based on what I’m saying.

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