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How long until this team isn't profitable and is let go anyway?

Considering they previously ended the back compat program like 3 years ago... I'd bet not that long

the team supports the subscription model of the future. until all potentially “saveable” games are saved, or at least those over a certain popularity threshold, there is customer value to be squeezed.

all the old content is valuable, because it doesn’t matter what you play, or if you play.

as long as you pay.

they will probably just run emulators for that

Honestly probably a while. Selling the same game over and over with minimal changes is quite profitable (see: call of duty, fifa, etc). Selling the same game over and over again with no changes... probably more so.

Certainly working for Nintendo. Does the NES mario game require any porting effort? Yet it gets repeatedly sold on their virtual stores.

They might not even be using their own efforts to "port". Here's an article suggesting that they just downloaded a pirated ROM off the Internet to resell to users: https://www.eurogamer.net/did-nintendo-download-a-mario-rom-...

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