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Clojure's machine learning ecosystem (codewithkira.com)
135 points by kmclean 81 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 86 comments

> Smile 3.x Avoided due to licensing

> Smile 3.x is GPL-licensed, which poses some potential conflicts for some end users...The community consensus is converging around moving away from Smile due to the GPL-relicensing issue, focusing instead on Tribuo...

(tribuo is developed by oracle)

It's a really great thing that the java community has a high performance and well accepted (~5x stars than tribuo) ML package that's GPL. CF python where the top two libraries are developed by google and facebook. The GPL protects individual, independent developers.

I don't think it's right to recommend that new users move away from the package because of licensing issues; the fact that it's GPL now is a good thing for everyone except corporate users (probably a great part of readers). The people who might have GPL problems already know themselves when they'll have a problem.

> I don't think it's right to recommend that new users move away from the package because of licensing issues

I was going to chime in to agree but then I saw how this was done - a completely innocuous looking commit:


And literally no mention in the release notes:


I think if you are going to change license, especially in a way that makes it less permissive, you need to be super open and clear about both the fact you are doing it and your reasons for that. This is done so silently as to look like it is intentionally trying to mislead and trick people.

So maybe I wouldn't say to move away because of the specific license, but it's legitimate to avoid something when it's so clearly driven by a single entity and that entity acts in a way that isn't trustworthy.

Yeah.. I have all the respect in the world for Haifeng's talent and I totally understand (and agree!) that open source developers need to be compensated one way or another, and I don't want to get into a debate that could lead to accusations by people who don't know the full story, but there are definitely some sour grapes over the whole situation and some of the pull away from smile has more to do with feelings that not everyone involved is acting in good faith more than issues about GPL exactly.

I don't disagree at all, but unfortunately it's mostly out of the hands of any community to recommend or enforce usage of a given library. There are many valid concerns around GPL licensing (not that I necessarily agree with them), but ultimately ignoring the requirement of many orgs to not use GPL-licensed code would just harm the ecosystem.

Something I really like in the Clojure data science stack that isn't mentioned is Clerk* — an interesting take on notebooks. I think it's a good gateway into Clojure for those coming from a Python or R background.


The literate programming story is great in Clojure. Clay (https://github.com/scicloj/clay) is also a great option and supports rendering to quarto notebooks, which are IMO one of the best publishing options out there for technical books etc.

For web server stuff, I still think Clojure is extremely solid. But I’ve come to really prefer Racket for general purpose programming.

I really like the package manager, I like that there’s an IDE with a visual step debugger (seriously, why do almost no lisp people value this?), that it’s multi paradigm, and that the language continues to improve and evolve.

Clojure just has so many finicky or annoying things about it. The design of deps.edn/clojure CLI and the lack of user friendly tooling is forever frustrating. Laziness and its implications being invisibly core to the language is annoying as well.

I spot 6 points in that comment and most of them strike me as fair. But two I think are not:

1) The language evolving all the time is an anti-feature. Clojure is an oasis for the people who are tired of having their knowledge obsoleted by constant change that doesn't really improve anything. People can build whatever weird and wonderful features they want using macros in their own library.

2) deps/edn - the design seems to support toolmakers more than end users. I hated it myself (tinged by poor documentation at the time which has since been remedied). But for anyone else having similar issues; the answer is to jump to leiningen [0] which is by far an easier way to set up a Clojure project.

Deps is ok, but lein is what I'd recommend to anyone as a starting point.

[0] https://leiningen.org/

Racketeers also typically use the macro system, which is exceptionally robust and sane, for new features. The base language has been very stable for a long time. That's how the typed dialect is implemented, which you can use with ease on a per-file basis in your project where performance is important, and it also supports at least a couple of Scheme standards in the same way.

Another thing that's nice with Racket is that it can produce binaries, and while the cross-compile story is kind of messy the language as such is actually, really, multi-platform. Even the GUI-library, which is quite nice, especially with gui-easy additions.

Yes! The binaries and gui-easy are both great!

And I just love how easy it is to do everything in Racket. Creating an executable, adding a package, including a module, even spinning up a new file and putting it in SICP compatibility mode - all of these things require 0 memory or reference with a manual because they're so straightforward. Everything is very nicely designed.

Most Clojure devs I know already have lots of experience and can debug faster in their head, with the occasional help of printing a value. But check out this cool Clojure debugger, it even has time travel https://www.flow-storm.org/

We also have a debugger in Emacs/CIDER.

Your other complaints read like you haven't dug really far, or they are outdated.

> The easiest way to run and learn FlowStorm with ClojureStorm is by running the repl tutorial, like this :

;; on Linux and OSX clj -Sforce -Sdeps '{:deps {} :aliases {:dev {:classpath-overrides {org.clojure/clojure nil} :extra-deps {com.github.flow-storm/clojure {:mvn/version "RELEASE"} com.github.flow-storm/flow-storm-dbg {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}} :jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.storm.instrumentEnable=true" "-Dclojure.storm.instrumentOnlyPrefixes=user"]}}}' -A:dev

;; on Windows clj -Sforce -Sdeps '{:deps {} :aliases {:dev {:classpath-overrides {org.clojure/clojure nil} :extra-deps {com.github.flow-storm/clojure {:mvn/version """RELEASE"""} com.github.flow-storm/flow-storm-dbg {:mvn/version """RELEASE"""}} :jvm-opts ["""-Dclojure.storm.instrumentEnable=true""" """-Dclojure.storm.instrumentOnlyPrefixes=user"""]}}}' -A:dev


I hate this so much

What do you hate about it?

You can run a project with a library in a repl with a one liner - seems handy. Don't even need to create a file

Because these god forsaken strings are how you do everything in Clojure CLI. When you start a new project, you write them by hand. You flip and fiddle with plain text flags and weird nested hash tables to change tool behavior, and you have to remember so many little stupid things. It makes actually doing stuff feel horrible. There should have been a high bar for supplanting Leiningen and this should not have cleared it.

But wasn't the example in question for a tutorial repl setup for you getting up and running with no config? That seems like a nice user experience for someone who wants to get up and running by just copy pasting a one liner...

What projects are you working on where you are using nested hash tables passed in as strings to the CLI that couldn't be written as data in a deps.edn?

What tools do you miss from lein (genuine question) moving to deps.edn was mostly painless for the teams I've worked wit

You can just copy paste this and replace RELEASE with the version number. If you want to dig deeper, the CLI and deps options used here are well documented under https://clojure.org/reference/deps_and_cli

Very true. Also, while I agree that Clojure is solid for web server stuff, it wouldn’t be my first choice in the context of general purpose web apps or APIs.

The “do-it-yourself” mentality that is at the core of Clojure dev culture results in a less rich library ecosystem. Not only you often end up writing custom code for a generic feature, the rest of your team cannot reuse their past experience but has to learn your custom code and maintain it.

What? If anything, we have a "do-it-right" mentality :) The Clojure library ecosystem is very rich with new libraries coming out every week. We also reuse the rich Java library ecosystem to a large degree. I'm with Clojure for 10+ years and I don't "often end up writing custom code for a generic feature". Its quite the opposite. Clojure is a language that has hundreds of extremely well composing generic functions built in, that operate on a very rich set of first class immutable datastructures. Whatever Clojure you base your impressions on is very different from the one I know and use...

While I love Clojure, I have to agree about tooling. I recently started using Gleam* and was impressed at how easy it was to get up and running with the CLI tool. I think this is an important part of getting people to adopt a language and Clojure dropped the ball a bit on this.

* https://gleam.run/

The big push for people to use the Clojure CLI tool seems like shooting themselves in the foot.

I still use Leiningen since it covers practically all of my needs, including the needs of the teams in the past two businesses I've worked for. The Slack group has pretty vocal people pushing for deps.edn. It's a bit amusing seeing people slowly build their own Leiningen out of ad-hoc Makefile^W^W Babashka scripts and copy-pasting build.clj files across their projects. (Not to mention, nobody can remember what the -X, -A, -T, ... flags do, so that is a major reason Makefiles or Babashka scripts are commonplace in projects that don't use Leiningen)

If you're familiar with Java, then you can think of Clojure today as going through its Apache Ant phase. Some people love it, some people hate it. I personally want to spend 0% of my time building build tools; thankfully there is a pretty solid build tool that is still maintained and will continue to work for the foreseeable future.


I started with lein, and still use lein for any 'production ready' project, but I'll use deps.edn for little personal scripts because in those cases lein feels like bloat. For me, using deps.edn was straightforward because of my previous experience with lein.

There is a lot of strange shade in the Clojure community; like that thrown at lein.

In addition to lein, the ones that get me a lot of negative attention are the community's opinion that (loop ) is an antipattern in spite of it being more performant than the comparable built-in functional patterns, and (first ) and (second ) being preferable to (nth )s in spite of (nth )s also being more performant.


I agree. I have been a casual user of Clojure for many years, really since the beginning, and lein has always worked fine for me.

> The design of deps.edn/clojure CLI and the lack of user friendly tooling is forever frustrating.

"user friendly tooling" and ANY Scheme in the same sentence?!

I kid, but I always have held that Schemes feel like "tools for building a programming language" (the insanity that is (car ), (cdr ), (caadadr ) suddenly reveals its usefulness when you write an s-expression parser) and Clojure feels like "an actual programming language" with its benevolent use of brackets, build tools, and library ecosystem.

    (defn my-func [arg0 arg1] ..)    -- Clojure
    (define (my-func arg0 arg1) ..)  -- Scheme (of which Racket is one)
Racket seems to want to inhabit the space between those two with its package system and ability to compile to an executable.

One thing I've always liked about Racket is its refusal to accept (if )s without else statements, insisting instead on using (when )s.

> why do almost no lisp people value this?

We do, that is why Cursive exists.

The problem are the folks educated in SBCL + Emacs that never used anything else Lisp related, including the survivors of the Lisp hype wave like Lisp Works and Allegro Common Lisp.

IME Cursive has been very jank. Debugging intermittently fails to trigger on my web projects across multiple machines. It has not been as positive experience as I've had with Racket's IDE (or LispWorks! I love LispWorks!)

The other issue with debugging is perhaps a "me problem", but it's not uncommon for me to have to re-discover where laziness is present in Clojure's ecosystem while debugging. I don't like laziness being implemented on core functions - I think they should be explicitly named alternate functions. Laziness everywhere + "super stable language" = forever annoying. I guess this is only an issue for others who seldom use Clojure as a hobby language - I'm sure people who use daily are able to cope better.

I own LispWorks, I have Symbolics Genera. I've used MCL. I almost never found a stepper to be particular useful to my problems. The other debugging tools were more useful.

Wait... What is the Janet IDE you are talking about here? I had no idea that happened, but can't seem to find reference to it on the website or anywhere.


It’s great to see reports of the excellent work Daniel Slutsky and others are doing to make data science more straightforward for everyone.

I'm grateful that I get to benefit from these community efforts.

Good luck getting academics to adopt anything they don't know about, and all they know about is Python.

This is a strange comment that probably reflects the sliver of academics you're familiar with. Who do you think wrote and continues to develop R and all those packages? There are actually many types of software in use by academics.

Probably true.

Academics is much older than Python. At some point, they adopted that.

Academics (the mass noun, meaning something similar to "academia") does indeed learn and progress. Academics (the worker bees in the academic hive) can be super intransigent and in my experience learn a couple of tools in their younger days and never again. As they say, science advances one funeral at a time. I've found that new ideas and technologies are almost always brought in by new students, and not old academic dogs learning new technological tricks.

> can be super intransigent

I learned a new word today.

And I agree, but the end might be a bit optimistic at how often or efficiently that happens. In my experience, most are all too willing to accept the institutionalized choices.

There are actually a surprising number of academics in the Clojure for data science study groups. A lot of them ran into performance or portability issues with Python or R and found Clojure tools as a good solution.

If Clojure compiled to native code by default, instead of relying on the JVM, it'd be much more attractive to me. I know many people don't care about this...

You could probably achieve that via GraalVM I would think.

You definitely can. One example of a large project that does this is babashka, a fast native Clojure scripting runtime.


And OpenJ9.

Eventually ART, although here the process would be more convuluted.

And if one is willing to give away a couple a big piles of money, PTC and Aicas are still in Java town.

This is correct, you can compile Clojure to native code using GraalVM. There are many heavily used projects that do this.

I remember there used to be so much excitement about Clojure - it certainly was the "tech du jour" for a long while, also on the HN front page. It was the "...in Rust" of its day.

But is it just me or has it gotten awfully quiet around Clojure? I mean, it is of course expected that no novelty can stay in the lime light forever. But what has become of all of the excitement?

My impression is that Clojure failed to live up to the hype, but has found its niche - but it is a rather small niche. In the end, despite its attempts to differentiate itself from Lisp pitfalls, it has gone the way of all Lisps: it's this cool, intellectually stimulating language that in practice almost nobody uses.

Is that view wrong? Please feel free to correct me, and sorry if this post is about Clojure in general and not specifically about its machine learning ecosystem.

I've been using clojure as my main language for a decade. Few things can stay hyped that long.

My last few jobs were in clojure so jobs do exist, moreso than in Common Lisp and Haskell at least (probably). There aren't very many companies that use it relative to the programming world at large, so I'd say you're right on that front.

I'm happy using it and will continue using it. Sometimes I encounter interesting ideas and libraries that I end up using.

At the end of the day, it's a programming language. You can write interesting things on uninteresting or even subjectively awful languages and boring things on interesting languages.

Here's something I've been working on for the last two weeks: https://keyboards.justbuythisthing.com/. If I didn't tell you I wrote it in clojure, no one would know. It could very well be PHP.

I would not say it is such a small niche. There are job openings here and there. It is much easier to find a Clojure job than a F# or a Haskell job in my experience. This may be of course different depending on your location.

The problem is that an entire ecosystem is more than just a new language. Clojure has some really interesting libraries, but the rest relies on Java. It is a good ecosystem nonetheless. Julia is having the same issue. It has grown a very respectable ecosystem, but it is hard to grow further to catch up with Python in some fronts without massive corporate funding.

It is interesting to note that, at some point circa 2010, it looked like Clojure could revive Lisp-Stat with Incanter. But, eventually, the project declined in popularity and died. Reaching mainstream relies on getting a critical mass of developers at the right time and for the right domain.

And imagine if F# had an alternative native "runtime" (i.e. not married CLR and dotnet) grafted onto Fortran. Resistance is futile, indeed.

I don't even care about the runtime, imagine if F# devs made anything that wasn't on top of Asp.net. The small community coupled with breaking changes from Asp.net leads to a lot of issues, and the interop story of F#/C# and Clojure/Java is night and day

I like Asp.net, but the thing I've run into several times in F# is there are breaking changes in libraries that the developers of F# can't keep up with.

- Giraffe doesn't support swagger docs, you have to use Asp.net directly, because the swagger generation isn't compatible with the way Giraffe does routing

- Microsoft Identity uses EF core by default. The EFcore.FSharp library doesn't support past .NET 6. You could use your own backend, but at this point, it's easier to just use C# interop

You could use C# for the routing of your app and F# for the business logic. But then there's the C#/F# interop story. Lots of little finicky type differences you have to convert. Whereas using Java from Clojure feels easy and natural to me.

And even if you use Asp.net directly and do interop correctly, you're basically using C# at that point. You're missing a lot of benefits of a functional language. It's not worth it in my opinion, even though F# is a wonderful language to me.

It's tough to learn the ecosystem in Clojure. But once you do, I've found the "small libraries" approach much better than the whole ecosystem tying itself to one web framework it can't even keep up with.

What you describe is a very good example, why I seldom rely on guest languages for production code.

Communities can't control themselves, always try to create an ecosystem on top of the ecosystem, some of them even are quite vocal against the platform that made their beloved language possible in first places.

Thus as the platform moves under their feet, everyone fails to keep up, to make anything usable one has to master now two stacks instead of one, and spend even more time tracking down issues.

Clojure's approach to embrace the host is a much better way to handle this.

Its funny because I've found the opposite; the fact that the smaller community (and lets face it - most FP langs have a much smaller community than needed to get the scale you are after) the more it needs to piggy back on the army of engineers in the mainstream language target and stick to only its value add as a technology. There were web frameworks in F# that were written from scratch, but fundamentally ASP.NET is quite good and fast enough at least from my evaluations and these frameworks are now out of favor.

I personally don't have much issues using ASP.NET directly from F# (don't bother with Giraffe or anything like that); its not too hard. The routing layer is only a few classes/functions anyway - it isn't the majority of your program. I guess maybe I'm in a different position to you - I find for the few bits of ASP.NET config it isn't worth switching to C#. A few rules you need to follow but I would say that is a lot less than the Clojure learning curve and you get static typing still - that is just my opinion however.

My experience is that both languages have their pros/cons and tbh both have their challenges w.r.t adoption. My personal view is most of these challenges are not technical. The issues we complain about with the language as developers are IMO minor (i.e. things are still possible or decent compared to some other languages) and probably aren't the major factor in the wide scale technology choice away from FP in general.

For better or worse developers are often "languages takers" not "language deciders" in most big shops and this is where most of the jobs are - its only in niche elements/problem spaces (i.e small shops, dedicated niche teams, etc) where niche technologies can be worth it. This means not a lot of jobs; but when there is a job it can be higher paying. Big employers drive the market for technologies though when it comes to large scale usage and they want commodity fungible developers (i.e. resources), and are happy using a mediocre tech that gets the job done to do it. Unless there is a "killer app" where the language must be used to unlock the value most managements will stay clear of better tech - predictable, boring, commodity tech that I can get anyone in for (contractor, offshore person, etc) wins for them every time especially for the MBA/product manager/etc types. In the current economic climate developers are trying to meet the jobs that are being advertised as well (higher interest rates, less startup's, etc etc).

For me it's not that using Asp.net from F# is bad, but the little things that add up.

Like I said, if you want to use Microsoft Identity, you need to either write your own backend that doesn't use EFcore or use .NET 6 instead of 8. Why? EFcore is essentially a scaffolding library. You can't use it from F# without EFcore.FSharp. EFCore.FSharp doesn't support anything higher than .NET 6.

So now we have a scenario where the main auth library in asp.net doesn't work in F#. I've never had these issues in Clojure where I just flat out can't use a Java library.

I understand where you're coming from on these 100%, but I believe some of the conclusions might be more dire than they are in practice.

Both identity and efcore both work fine with F#. What _doesn't_ work is the EF Core design-time support (having models auto-create your schema) and scaffolding razor pages with F# (razor pages just doesn't work in general).

Calling these APIs (authing your users, and interacting with the database) work fine.

I've used mostly database-first design, and tweaked the stock identity pages code anyways so these things haven't affected me a ton (though I _would_ like to use razor pages, since it seems nice and simple for the 80% use-case).

The temptation to whine, cry and complain is too high in developer communities, as always.

It's either "just the way I want it exactly" or "unusable", any smallest and most accessible but slightly different option from preferred way to make things work be damned.

I'm really sad to see a part of F# community being persistently vocal against .NET which makes F# viable and possible in the first place.

I'm happy with how usable F# is as the moment, though it's not hard to sympathize with the sentiments that get thrown around.

F# has had a good run with a lot of open-source efforts in different domains, but as some core parts of the domain evolve (asp.net), if there are changes made which make it more complicated or prohibitive to use F# (t4 templates, roslyn analyzers, custom code-behind behavior), it can seem like F# is on-track to become deprecated by the moving-target that is it's native platform tooling.

I don't have much of a doomer mindset about things, since from the evidence of the F# team's priorities, it's keeping up with CLR and C# specific features (check the F# releases for how many features are compatibility-focused) while also delivering on some very cool F# specific things (SRTP, nested record copy/update, etc).

That's an extremely uncharitable take of my comment. I wouldn't call the many days I've spent investigating and opening issues that the F# community didn't even know about (because it's on life support) to be whining about small things. I can't tell you how many times things just don't work and the community kinda shrugs it off and says "use C#".

If you look in the database section of F# websites, maybe 20% of those libraries work. If you bring it up to people online, they'll say "yeah use Dapper, it's the only thing that works".

This just isn't the case in Clojure and I don't think the expectation is that it should be.

But EFcore and Identity are documented assuming you'll use scaffolding. They set up a bunch of models for you representing users and roles. You wouldn't know how to set this up if you tried to do it in F#. You'd have to set it up in C# first to see what it would look like, and then you might as well just use C#

Agreed on most of this except for the takeaway (seems to be a theme haha).

In the end, I still ended up using F#, since it was only about 30 minutes of copy/pasting the classes/etc over once, and for the rest of the time in development I got to stay in F# land.

To be explicit, I did do what you say here. I scaffolded things out in C#, then just copied/translated that over to F# calls. All the APIs still work just fine.

I'm still a little confused on your answer to this. C# generated a big `BuildTargetModel` method on each generated migration, even if there are no changes. Are you changing this to an F# file every time? On every migration?

Thanks for responding, glad it's working for you. F# is a very cool language

Have you looked into whether the maintainers of EFCore.FSharp look for assistance?

It seems there is work in progress on bringing .NET 8 support here https://github.com/efcore/EFCore.FSharp/pull/162

Suave does not depend on Asp.net

Isn’t this effectively OCaml? Minus the Fortran part but it doesn’t need any other runtime.

Sort of I guess, but there are things like how they look very different and that F# is very very fast, has static types and OCaml is not exactly slow but not fast exactly fast, either.

> at some point circa 2010, it looked like Clojure could revive Lisp-Stat with Incanter

I think there was hope that would happen, but Incanter simply didn't have the functionality or documentation needed to become a player in that space in 2010. It was a doomed effort because of the (intentional) difficulty of native interoperability on the JVM. They'd have had to rewrite tens of millions of lines of code to realize their goals.

I do think this depends on region, as I've seen F# and Scala jobs typically outnumber Clojure for example depending on whether it is a .NET or Java shop. Mileage does vary.

However to be honest anecdotally I do think even if they aren't going down in user terms, FP languages are losing percentage market share. From my personal experience FP is no longer new; the hype of FP in general has died down. The hype has moved onto other things over the years (e.g. AI, blockchain, bare metal technologies that enable the above, etc etc).

I'm not saying FP doesn't have a lot of value. I enjoy, particularly when the program calls for it, FP languages like F#, Scala, etc. They still offer a lot of value IMO for all the usual spouted reasons.

IMO I just think the hype has moved from technologies that do things better (i.e. more efficient, less error prone, makes my job easier, etc) to technologies that do shiny new things. There are a lot of reasons for this, many of them aren't in fact technical but economic and political (e.g. management). Things like less jobs globally in tech (meaning my skills need to have wider reach), demand for specialist roles that aren't as language focused, etc play a part. Mainstream languages taking FP features as well makes the return vs risk of using a FP language even worse of a tradeoff - there's less perceived return for changing stack than before.

I feel like Clojure did live up to the hype, but is different enough that there was little chance that it would dominate in the mainstream.

The language ecosystem reflects the smaller numbers of contributors.

I think there is a lack of companies willing to hire for it, and also a lack of qualified people to hire.

I would like to learn it and probably would like to work with it. Only downsides I see is reliance on JVM (which is also a strength) and not as good ways of recursion as other Lisps or Schemes (simply call the function, duh, because it just works and doesn't need extra keywords or syntax).

But I liked the talks and that is seems to have the functional datastructured one needs, if one wants to avoid mutation.

I think the language has indeed reached a stable point and found its niche, which is small, but there are certainly domains where Clojure is the best fit.

The ideas behind Clojure (functional, immutable datastructures, homoiconic syntax, focus on simplicity, JVM interop) still stand strong IMO.

There are still some exciting projects done in Clojure: Electric Clojure and Rama come to mind.

> but there are certainly domains where Clojure is the best fit

Honest question: what domains?

clojure is everywhere in fintech - nubank, guaranteed rate, kroo bank, griffin, pennymac, two sigma, dividend finance, treasury prime, gravie. Other big areas are healthcare and midmarket adtech. And of course startups outside of SF/NYC with smaller seed rounds looking for tech advantage - midwest USA, Europe/UK, Latin america

The further you get from silicon valley the more clojure you see — anyone with a network at FANG spent the last 10 years trying to break in and get that huge salary, which means conforming to the recruiting process, i.e. spending your time off grinding leetcode instead of learning new PLs

Speaking from past experience at Guaranteed Rate, management (probably not developers) regrets that experiment. They’ve laid off most of the clojure devs I know of there (I’m sure one or two remain for legacy services.)

I interviewed at Two Sigma like 6 years ago and I was interested in doing Clojure professionally so I asked about it and was told that they had stopped all new development in Clojure

is clojure market still growing ? i'd love to work in a clojure shop one day

The most unexpected place I’ve encountered Clojure “in the wild” is the Defold game engines editor.

Doesn't this ignore the reality on the ground that Clojure is a niche (but wonderful) programming language that offers very few career opportunities? It simply isn't big in any specific domain.

I also don't buy that you see more Clojure the "further you get from silicon valley ..." without some actual (or even anecdotal) data to support that claim.

I'm not saying there are zero instances of Clojure in production systems. But it is hard for me to think that it represents a large number of professional employed software engineers. The 2023 StackOverflow survey show 1.38% out of 67,053 respondents in their "most commonly used programming language" section naming Clojure. That is less than 1,000 developers. The public university I work at graduated 500+ CS undergrads in 2023. I would bet $100 that zero of those got a first job that paid them to write Clojure professionally. I would bet $1000 for less than ten grads. I would bet $50,000 for less than 25.

I'm not trying to be cute but don't you think there are less than 10,000 software engineers in the US (maybe the freaking world) who primarily write Clojure code in their day job?

Because I'm curious, job searches at the company site of your list for 'clojure':

  Nubank - enhum resultado com a palavra "clojure" encontrado (no results)

  Guaranteed Rate - no results

  Kroo Bank careers page - no tech listings currently

  Griffin - open listing for software engineer (London or Remote within the UK, Germany, Sweden or Ireland) - description: Our backend stack is Clojure, FoundationDB, Kubernetes and AWS. Our frontend stack is CLJS, Reframe, Reagent, React, Stitches, Storybook, and Playroom.

  Pennymac - Sorry, no jobs were found that match your search criteria. 

  Two Sigma - No jobs found

  Dividend Finance - 0 JOBS FOUND

  Treasury Prime - There are no current openings. (for software engineers)

  Gravie - Lead software engineer position - description: Advanced programming experience in multiple programming languages ( Java, Kotlin, Groovy/Grails, JavaScript/TypeScript or Python) along with Clojure/ClojureScript or another functional programming language
Indeed.com returns 15 jobs posted in the last two weeks (US) for the Clojure keyword. LinkedIn returns 34 job posting in the last month (again, in the US).

I love Clojure - it has always "worked" in my head as a language to solve problems in. I was at the first Clojure/conj. I have deployed production code that I wrote in Clojure. Clojure made me a better developer in other languages.

But in the big picture for professional software engineers, Clojure might as well not exist.

because most of Electric Clojure's commercial users and prospects are European startups (I am the founder)

Financial services for one. Might be the Nubank influence.

Clojure focuses on quality over hype, at great success. Its hypesters never really understood Clojure, and have long moved on. So will the hypesters of Rust and other hyped languages, unless they get a chance to ruin them.

I think Clojure absolutely does live up to the hype but during Clojure's peak HN hype days all the people upvoting the posts and commenting in the threads never actually gave Clojure a proper try or a try at all. Rust on HN might be in a similar boat.

Aren't they having problems with new Java versions? Heard someone say something along those lines a while ago, or I misunderstood.

It also seems Rich Hickey kind of stopped doing interesting talks, and some big bank bought into it and no one really likes banks.

It is not true, currently I'm maintaining a desktop app which is shipped to 3 different platforms and 3 architectures (x86, x86-64, arm64) and runs various versions of JRE (from jre8 to jre22). Most (90%) of the libraries are fully compatible, only some are using latest features such as virtual threads, but it is easy to avoid.

OK, good to hear. Couldn't find anything clear about it when web searching and looking at documentation.

Interesting is subjective, but Rich gave a talk at the most recent Clojure Conj.

I looked at ClojureTV and that's all I saw from recent years.

There was a bit of a conference hiatus worldwide due to the pandemic, but the Clojure community (including Rich) is definitely still active.

None of this is true.

Sure, nothing is true, everything is permitted.

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