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> SGI had always been a dream company

It was a dream company for pretty much every siggraph person at that time. I was in grad school, eagerly awaiting a very popular 3-semester course in computer graphics. It had been devised and taught by a young promising professor who had published some pioneering siggraph papers. I signed up for the course. On the first day of class, the head of the department walked in and said the professor had been recruited by his dream company SGI for an ungodly sum of money to work on some Jewish director’s movie about a dinosaur themepark. I thought ok, whatever, someone else will teach the course. The bastards scrapped the entire 3 series computer graphics module because there wasn’t anyone else who could teach that. So we had to pick from one of the usual dumb options - databases, OS, Networks, Compilers. Since then I’ve always held a grudge against sgi.

> to work on some Jewish director’s movie about a dinosaur themepark

I assume you mean Steven Spielberg and one of the Jurassic Park films?

If so, why can't you just say so? Why are you referring to Steven Spielberg, one of the most famous directors of all time, as "some Jewish director?" Do you think people won't recognize the name? I promise people know who Steven Spielberg is.

> If so, why can't you just say so?

Based on the comment, it sounds like that's the way the head of the department phrased it.

Presumably the department head didn't know the title as it hadn't been released yet.

I think the GP was telling their story in the context of that time. It's a technique to help the reader more fully understand the context. I'm almost sure there is a term for this literary technique.

"Jewish director" is an...interesting description

Jewish director? Hrmph

Spielberg had a bar mitzvah, what more do you want?

I don't anyone is disputing that, but why did the department head see a need to point that out?

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