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What did you work on at SGI during your brief stint?

MineSet, their data mining and visualization package.

If a may, can I fact check a story conveyed to me through a mutual acquaintance of ours? The story was that SGI was trying to sell off MineSet, and needed the team to stick around long enough to sell them off -- so a bonus was to be given after a short period of time (a month maybe?). The bonus was significant enough to get people to at least defer a job search ($10K?), but SGI didn't manage to find a buyer. The check was to hit bank accounts on a particular day; the team waited to hear word that the literal money was in the bank -- and then all quit simultaneously.

Is there at least some truthiness to it? Or has this just become Silicon Valley urban legend in my head?

That rings a bell although fuzzily: as the new kid from school, I was pretty disconnected from the politics of the moment. I do seem to remember that the MineSet team departed en masse, but IIRC that departure roughly coincided with broader layoffs in the org.

(With apologies for reviving 90s IRIX/Solaris snark in my earlier post. :-)

Ha -- no worries on the snark; Irix probably was a better system in ~1998, as ZFS, DTrace, Zones, SMF, FMA, etc. were all still in the future...

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