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If Amiga really "deserved" to win, I think they wouldn't have been eclipsed by the PC ecosystem in terms of performance.

They leapt out ahead of the competition with an advanced OS, purpose-built for graphics and sound in a way that PCs and Macs weren't.

Which was great. But they weren't really better than the competition. They were just doing something the competition wasn't. And when the competition actually started doing those things they got eclipsed in a hurry.

I wonder if Tesla will suffer the same fate. They were obviously around a decade ahead of the established players when it came to electric cars. But once the other established players actually got serious about electric cars, Tesla largely stopped being special, and upstarts like Lucid and Rivian are neck and neck with them (in terms of compelling products, not sales) as well.

"the future is already here, it just isn't evenly distributed."

This means there are products out there with futuristic features that will be seen as requirements for all things going forward and right now those features are niche elements of some product.

The Amiga was a fantastic device but not a general purpose device. Lots of things are fantastic at a niche but not general, and those almost always fail.

Is this also the "worse is better" truism?

Tesla will also suffer a reverse cult of personality problem.

I don’t know anyone at Rivian so my opinion of them is neutral. Meanwhile Tesla is run by the jackass who ruined twitter.

There are definitely a lot of people who would consider Musk's personality a huge minus. I'm one of them.

I'm less clear on whether or not he's a net minus. I don't know if his detractors outnumber his fans or vice-versa.

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