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In other words the ones that have long been contesting the use of CONTINUATION due to the risk of DoS 10 years ago. Just read any of the long threads there to get an idea, it's always about how to avoid the nasty CONTINUATION: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2014JulSep...

If at least it had been accepted to forbid it after a non-full HEADERS frame it would have been more robust but it was perceived that the encoding job itself could have been harder (byte boundaries in compressors etc).

BTW I find it funny how we "rediscover" the same stuff every 10 years. Recently it was the well-known RESET_STREAM flood, now the CONTINUATION, soon it will probably be DATA frames of length zero, then single-byte WINDOW_UPDATES, then INITIAL_WINDOW SETTINGS that cost a lot of CPU, etc. The world is just circling in this security circus, provided it's possible to assign a name and possibly a logo to a known problem...

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