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I would like to know if the AI is deciding to starve the entire population and kill aid workers?

It’s a serious question, because the article mentions how AI plays such a crucial role… but where does it end?

I know the following question sounds absurd, but they say there’s no such thing as a silly question…

Does the AI use regular power to run, or does it run on the tears and blood of combatant 3 year old children - I mean terrorists?

> I know the following question sounds absurd, but they say there’s no such thing as a silly question…

People say a lot of things.

Some questions are ill-posed; some bake-in false assumptions.

What you do _after_ you concoct a question is important. Is it worth our time answering?

> Does the AI use regular power to run, or does it run on the tears and blood of combatant 3 year old children - I mean terrorists?

From where I sit, the question above appears to be driven mostly by rhetoric or confusion. I'm interested in reasoning, evidence, and philosophy. I don't see much of that in the question above. There are better questions, such as:

To what degree does a particular AI system have values? To what degree are these values aligned with people's values? And which people are we talking about? How are the values of many people aggregated? And how do we know with confidence that this is so?

Sorry, I was looking for answers to my questions - not more questions.

If you believe your question is worth pursuing, then do so. From where I sit, it was ill-posed at best, most likely just heated rhetoric, and maybe even pure confusion. But I was willing to spend some time in the hopes of pointing you in a better* direction.

You can burn tremendous time on poorly-framed questions, but why do that? Perhaps you don't want to answer the question, though, because you didn't ask it. You get to ask questions of us, but don't reply to follow-up questions that push back on your point of view?

* Subjectively better, of course, from my point of view. But not just some wing-nut point of view. What I'm saying is aligned with many (if not most) deep thinkers you'll come across. In short, if you ask poorly-framed questions, you'll get nonsense out the other end.

P.S. Your profile says "I’m too honest. Deal with it." which invites reciprocity.

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