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> If a system has been infiltrated, you can't trust any part of it. So it's better to discard any part that has been reached or possibly affected.

systemd! let's discard systemd!

They just added an example to the documentation[0] of how to implement the sd_notify protocol without linking to libsystemd, so a little bit of discarding systemd (or at least parts of it) does seem to be part of the solution.

[0] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/32030/files

People have been bandying about "10 lines of C", but I'm curious if you know why the protocol is not "2 characters" of shell, namely ":>PATH" (ok, ok, PATH is probably something like /run/serviceName/I-B-ready). At the user (i.e. service daemon) -level this seems much simpler. (EDIT: and systemd would unlink the file as soon as it "gets the message", of course.)

There's just a 40 year culture of using some "official" lib to implement socket protocols - even if the docs suggest you roll your own. I feel like file creation escapes that "reach-for-the-official-lib TCP/UDP/datagram" culture.

It's probably not harder for systemd either if they just use/require the Linux inotify and incorporate that into its select or poll or whatever. I mean, if they wanted to be portable to non-inotify kernels some timeouts/stat-loop would be an ok fallback that would probably be rarely-to-never needed.

It sounds like it's not even hard to add this simpler channel in after the fact just as an alternative option for `whateverd` and then deprecate the datagram one for 10 years (if they even care to).

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