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> Someone could set up a separate hosting service for it as long as they made their supporting code FOSS too.

Isn't this more-or-less what the AGPL does? Allow hosting for others, but sharing the server-side code. I get that big providers aren't happy by this for multiple reasons, though

> The rules for hosting SSPL software, are not very different from those for distributing GPL software

They are in the way that they forbid you from competing with them. For a GPL program, I could build my own redistribution (see Linux distros consisting on packaging and distributing software made by others)

> That was how MySQL started, IIRC?

Actually, it seems so, but they used the GPL instead of BSD, and based their business on support and dual-licencing, and was later on bought by Sun/Oracle, being just one of their products and not their only product, like Redis or MongoDB.

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