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Meanwhile Thailand is rolling back it's legalisation of cannabis. Even though the industry brought in over a billion USD, it will be banned at the end of the year, citing protection of health of the youth. The population seems to approve of the reversal (medical use is kept). I think a few countries will be watching carefully after seeing how the experiment goes.

Whilst the majority of users seem to be fine, it can absolutely and seriously ruin some people's mental health.

Germany's largest party, the CDU/CSU union, has already announced that they intend to revoke the law ("make cannabis illegal again"). It is only a matter of time until they run the state again, and I'd say whether they actually work on the revocation depends on the junior political party they will need to form the government.

For example, if in 2025 the CDU/CSU and SPD form the new goverment (a constellation that has happened already a few times), I'd say chances are high that cannabis is going to be illegal again. And this turnout is a relatively probable scenario.

Of course, it can affect people’s mental health if they consume too much of it. Lack of education and some people’s self-control were never a reason to make alcohol illegal.

This is the first that I am hearing about the reversal. I am a bit disappointed, but I did see news about the rollout. It was pretty intense and probably not much regulation. So, is this a reactionary response to minority issues or was there a consistent issue?

> Whilst the majority of users seem to be fine, it can absolutely and seriously ruin some people's mental health.

I never doubt that marijuana can negatively affect certain people with the potential for mental health issues, but are there any hard science about the affect on mental health? You mention "majority" vs "some". Is that 51/49? 99.99/.01? The former sounds significant; the latter sounds like a stat to push an agenda.

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