Everyme Circles are completely private, and everyone knows exactly who they're sharing with, whereas Google+ Circles are a confusing concept.
Everyme also uses your address book to do some amazing things, like magically create Circles such as family, co-workers, college friends, sweetheart etc., and then keep in touch with them using the address book (this means not everyone needs the app!).
We don't offer public circles, since we're focusing on nailing private sharing. We want people to feel comfortable, so having a public option adds complexity.
I could be in 1000 Google+ circles, but I would have no clue who else I'm in the circle with or what the circle is called. It's a very strange concept, and doesn't improve much upon private sharing (it's more of a lists feature). In Everyme Circles, everyone knows exactly who they're sharing with, because you can see all the content that is being shared.
Everyme also uses your address book to do some amazing things, like magically create Circles such as family, co-workers, college friends, sweetheart etc., and then keep in touch with them using the address book (this means not everyone needs the app!).