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Twitter Open Sourced Reputation System Gem for ActiveRecord (github.com/twitter)
102 points by katsuyan on May 17, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Wait. Does twitter have a reputation system running, even just in the background? That sounds like a very interesting direction for them (and, I secretly hope, a solution to the prevalent spam problem)

Or is this just a side-project?

It's a utility gem that helps power the Twitter Translation Center: http://translate.twttr.com/

It may not be for everyone but hopefully some people may find it useful.

Awesome. I was just about to have to write a reputation system in Rails... and I'm sure this is better than what I'd have done. Very nice!

Can someone explain what a reputation system is?

Never was a real fan of Twitter, BUT since they've opened up all their cool open source projects, I'm their biggest fan!

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