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This sounds an awful lot like analysis paralysis to me. My recommendation: just launch. You probably won’t run into any of the problems you’re worried about and, if you do, you can just patch them up.

As you launch more and spend more time dealing with users the default things to do will become second nature, and you’ll find yourself using the built in tools from AWS, DigitalOcean, CloudFlare, etc. rather than rolling them yourself.

But seriously, just launch. There’s a really good chance you won’t have any problems.

Please don't do "just launch" if you accept any user accounts or PII =/ You're responsible for their data and security too, and should at least exercise some minimum security... doesn't have to be the most secure site in the world but soooome bare effort would be appreciated.

I'm actually with traviswingo. Just launch. Chances are, no one will care about your website for quite a while. Unless you're building a product with a lot of hype around it, there's likely going to be a huge gap between launching and seeing any traffic at all. This gives you plenty of time to implement some of the great recommendations given here. But don't delay the launch for it.

There are a million bots scanning all of IPv4 space every minute looking for automated exploits. You don't need someone dedicated looking to get into trouble.

Please don't listen to this advice, this is precisely how services get pwned.

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