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Maybe the collider is the basis of a neutrino transmitter.

  The purpose of this study was to inspect the possibility of using neutrinos for communications for military submarines ...  Because neutrinos are nearly unaffected by matter, a neutrino beam could traverse directly through the earth from the transmission site to the submarine. A directional beam would allow confidential information to be passed only to the intended recipient. Neutrino communications would also be totally jam-proof. As an additional benefit, a neutrino message could be received in the deepest of waters, leaving a submarine less vulnerable to enemy attacks. -- https://www.physics.ucla.edu/~hauser/neutrino_communication_paper/siljah_mod.htm
But the conclusion isn't optimistic about the receiver.

Already people do experiments where they shoot a proton beam at a target and then detect the resulting neutrino beam at a far distance, for instance




A muon storage ring with straight sections would produce powerful beams in the direction of the straight sections when the muons decay which would produce orders of magnitude higher flux than existing accelerator neutrino experiments not to mention a highly collimated beam.

(I am still amused by the superluminal neutrino flap because (a) it wasn't the first case where people thought they saw superluminal neutrinos, I remember seeing an experiment at Los Alamos Lab where curve fitting the neutrino mass was giving an imaginary (superluminal) number in the 1990s, and (b) it sounds so much like something out of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steins;Gate)

The OPERA experiment does show that if your equipment was calibrated properly you could possibly get a high data rate from turning your source on and off rapidly, however, I don't think you can turn a muon storage ring on and off.

- "however, I don't think you can turn a muon storage ring on and off."

What if you had two storage rings whose straight sections were at slightly different angles, and a switch bridging them? Populate one ring for "on", move muons to the alternate ring for "off".

I have a question. Doesn't observing some signal require interacting with it? And wouldn't most interaction sufficient to gain a high fidelity signal modify the underlying particles in some way that might destroy the message? How, if we can retrieve the message in the beam with accuracy, do we not simultaneously gain the technology to disrupt the beam? Isn't jamming just loud and sophisticated form of communication? If we can communicate, how are we not simultaneously able to jam?

Neutrinos are directional. Any jamming would come from a different direction.

The jammer can't match the direction - as the submarine moves the direction of the source changes in a predictable way, the jammer would change in a different way.

Think of it as a tiny light bulb blinking as you walk in a circle around it. Doesn't matter where you put the jamming light bulb it won't be in the center of your circle like the source light bulb is.

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