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Spotify does music and podcasts in one app. Why should Google have two different apps for music and podcasts?

You can do both in one, but it's difficult to get right (which is usually true of combining things into one product). E.g. when I tried it in Spotify, I couldn't find a way to return to where I was in my podcast after listening to music. Every single time I wanted to listen to my podcast after listening to any music, I had to manually scroll through hundreds of episodes until I saw the green checkmarks appear, then scroll back up slowly to find the last one I was listening to. Even if there is a feature for this, I couldn't find it on Android, which is its own UX problem.

More importantly, YouTube music simply doesn't have a lot of podcasts. I started transferring my stuff over, and immediately found it was missing multiple podcasts I was listening to. Kind of a huge deal breaker.

Because discovery, consumption, and metadata are completely different for both mediums. Part of the reason Apple has a separate app for classical music.

Spotify doesn’t “do” podcast at all. I can’t just put an RSS feed into the Spotify app and subscribe to it.

Whatever Spotify is doing. It’s a horrible excuse for a podcast player even compared to Apple’s podcast app and that’s saying a lot. At least with Apple’s podcast app, I can subscribe to any podcast if I know its URL.

I use Overcast for what it’s worth - not Apple’s podcast app.

I could be OK with that, except that YouTube Music is an awful podcast player. It doesn't have a way to queue up episodes. Also listening to podcasts severely degrades the music experience, the interface intermixes the music and podcasts too much.

because a lot of people hate how spotify has the same app for music and podcasts

Spotify doesn’t do either well. It’s getting to the point where I’m considering dropping my family Spotify plan.

By contrast, Apple Music just works.

What does Apple Music do better than Spotify in the music space?

It plays music and doesn't get in your way. Currently, Spotify:

* Has intermixed music with Podcasts

* Cannot manage a queue properly. Going forward and backward random just plays completely unrelated songs (ran into this one tonight with my kids)

* Displays full-screen pop-up ads

* Randomly fails to play sound, despite showing the song playing

* Completely forgets recently played songs

* Barfs an insane amount of junk at me in the home screen

* An AI DJ that is completely garbage. Playing essentially random junk.

* Emails me a bunch of spam

* Pushes music videos, despite having no interest

* Is completely, 100% useless if you turn explicit mode off (I have young kids)

Well, you’ve obviously have put some thought into this, even if subconsciously. I would like to just add that not only was the ai dj terrible but I would always just hear the same songs over and over. I never count but seems like a handful of songs would be in every play list 8/10 times.

Haha, yes. I've put too much thought into it :P

> I never count but seems like a handful of songs would be in every play list 8/10 times.

I've joked with my wife that the AI is really just whatever songs are going to generate the most revenue for Spotify.

For me, it alternates between:

* Cutting off a series of good songs too quickly

* Playing the exact same 4 songs in a cluster

* The DJ telling me "I love these songs", then proceeding to play songs I have literally (1) never listened to (2) have skipped repeatedly in the past few weeks.

It's also fun that it can't figure out me playing sleepy time music for hours and hours on occasion is not indicative of me actually enjoying that music.

> Spotify does music and podcasts in one app.

and it's super fucking annoying. my kingdom for the ability to tell Spotify I WILL NEVER LISTEN TO A PODCAST

Spotify’s podcast player sucks too the only reason I would ever use it would be to listen to a Spotify exclusive podcast, none of which I care about

i like spotify for music & music discovery but trying to manage and track podcasts felt too disorganized. i like pocket casts instead.

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