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> Over billions of years, every single species alive displaced some other species, multiple times over.

I can mostly agree with the rest of your points. But how many species are killing off thousands of other species in such a short time frame?

And that's absolutely an argument I will support! and very much do care about.

It's just a fundamentally different argument to "Well clearly, arbitrary species A here at some arbitrary time B is the natural and morally right owner of these lands".

Were bears completely extinct in the area and reintroduced from elsewhere? If not, there's no arbitrary line being drawn whatsoever. It's currently bear habitat.

As long as this is not seen as justification to displace any other species just when we feel like it (because they probably displaced some other species), I can agree.

> "Well clearly, arbitrary species A here at some arbitrary time B is the natural and morally right owner of these lands".

Which is not what the person you replied to said. I read it as "bears were there first, don't be surprised when you move there and find bears".

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