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Hello, I'm one of the contributors to Monogon OS (codename Metropolis).

We didn't expect to go public with our project for a few more months, which is why the end-user documentation is still very bare, sorry! But fixing that is something we're prioritizing over the next few quarters.

But I guess the cat's out of the bag, so I might as well stay around and answer any questions that pop up. We've also quickly set up a public Matrix room, which was long overdue: https://app.element.io/#/room/#monogon-os-community:matrix.o...

This looks really nice.

How do you handle Ingress and network policies? How do you handle multiple clusters on a single physical machine (if I read the docs correctly) for ingress?

Network policies are currently not implemented.

Bring your favourite Ingress controller. We support NodePort services, with plans for a LoadBalancer Service controller given the right network topology (a la MetalLB - either BGP to TOR switches to announce /32 / /128s, or maybe ARP/NDP-based annoucements for simpler deployments).

We don't support colocating multiple Kubernetes clusters on a single machine, or even within a single Monogon OS cluster. If you want multiple Kubernetes clusters, run multiple Monogon OS clusters.

How does this compare to gVisor?

We actually provide gVisor as the default runtime for Kubernetes workloads.

Monogon OS implements the layers underneath Kubernetes and gVisor - it's the operating system which runs on your nodes/machines and which comes together to form a cluster.

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