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I don't agree with this, but also think you're arguing a different point.

My point was that prices being "stable" isn't actually what's desirable, prices being nonvolatile is.

> So if I make a game, or an uber for dog walkers, or a global shipping service

I mean this is exactly how many of these things work. Uber pricing fluctuates based on demand. So do global shipping prices in many cases. So do game prices on Steam.

Even if the price was the same in the currency you're using (say USD), the value of USD is constantly changing.

> and the more people who use it the higher the value of eth is.

And I'm not sure how this follows. The more people who purchase ETH, the higher the value is.

But using the ethereum network doesn't require you to transact in ETH, only that you pay for the transaction fee (the network cost that makes it possible to to store and execute your transaction essentially) in ETH

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