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Wow! Thank you for doing this. It looks like a great starting point for anyone approaching deep learning from the JS ecosystem. It is very plainly written and looks like it will be a joy to learn from. Thank you for adding JSDoc comments with type hints!

Are you open to pull requests? If I have the time I'd love to contribute. I'm sure others would as well.

You should write up a short article on this, even something really simple like one of the examples in the README but with some commentary and examples of output and then post it to a few places like https://dev.to/ or maybe https://hashnode.com/ or even Medium (even though I'm not a big fan). There aren't many newer implementations of PyTorch in JS and I've been looking for one to learn from for some time so I'm sure there are a lot of other JS/TS developers out there that would be interested. Getting to the front page of HN certainly helps but having an article somewhere will help everyone after this week find it through a Google search.

Again, thanks so much for doing this work! It's really helpful to have everything spelled out in JS for those of us who haven't used Python much (I'm sure Python devs can relate when they think about JS projects).

Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m open to pull requests, absolutely. And about the article, that’s a great tip, I’ll definitely do that as well.

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