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In case you are curious BlackRock launched last week a money market fund on Ethereum. You can see it onchain here: https://etherscan.io/token/0x7712c34205737192402172409a8f7cc...

And here the press release: https://securitize.io/learn/press/blackrock-launches-first-t...

Aware - and kudos to them for using Ethereum - It's a word play to confuse the market. Notice they don't say on Public Net. The installation is permissioned. I was involved with the first Yankee CD trade in 2018 with JPM. No investor can buy this without the KYC/AML checks, means if there's a wallet it's just a brokerage account - the underlying security is at a custodian not on-chain and the TA is still involved in registering the ownership of the share.

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