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> Zcash has opt-in privacy

You could just as accurately say Zcash has opt-out privacy too. And the privacy is much more than a mixer since you got ZKPs.

Opting out of privacy gives it more plausible deniability, which is why you can find it on coinbase. Not that you should need deniability, since no one has any business knowing what you're doing with your money.

> Opting out of privacy gives it more plausible deniability

So if you actually want to interact with the real world, you have to opt out of privacy? And if you enable privacy you are automatically treated as a weirdo? I don't get the whole point of Zcash.

It's the same issue as with Bitcoin – you can make your transactions private, but it's not the default and not obvious for new users, and anyone who does it is subject to suspicion.

It really looks to me like this "privacy" aspect of Zcash is just a marketing gimmick. It doesn't have any advantages to just using Monero in the first place.

Shielded by default or opt in depends on the wallet you use. As you can imagine, a lot of people like shielded by default. There are reasons to have transparent transactions btw. You may want public proof.

Again, it is not the same as bitcoin. Using a mixer does not come with ZKPs. The transactions are also still public. You can see how much was put in and how much was taken out. Worse, you now potentially have traceable tainted coins and a target on your back.

The point of Zcash is the Z. Zero knowledge proofs. Monero uses differential privacy. Zcash has much stronger privacy guarantees.

> You may want public proof

Monero has view keys for that.

> Zcash has much stronger privacy guarantees

This is false. The fact that it uses ZKP doesn't make it's privacy stronger.

I'm not going to state more points on why Monero is ultimately better than Zcash because this has been done before: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/u3saom/eli5_whats_t...

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