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Those metrics don’t mean anything because climate models are no more scientific than a monkey with a dart board. That’s exactly the propaganda I mean.

It’s like we only have people who either deny climate change is happening at all, or swallow this bullshit wholesale, and nothing in between.

We have the technology to generate all of the energy we need from renewables. We have electric cars. We can use as much energy as we want and still get back to 1800s level carbon emissions if we just decide it’s worth paying for, and the worse things get, the more we’ll think that. We’re not going to wait until New York is under water.

It’s now even getting to where we are doing so just because it is cheaper. In 2040 nobody will be building a fossil fuel plant. Barely anyone is now. Over 80% of new power generation is renewable globally, a number that will only increase.

It’ll be fine.

"no more scientific than a monkey with a dart board"

That is really un-fair to the people building super computers to calculate trillions of volumetric elements with hundreds of variables.

The general math has been known since 1896. And even those original gross calculations have turned out to be surprising close.

Current models are just continuing to dial in, refine. Where are these giant errors you speak off?

"In 1896 Svante Arrhenius calculated the effect of a doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide to be an increase in surface temperatures of 5–6 degrees Celsius. This 1902 article attributes to Svante Arrhenius a theory that coal combustion could eventually lead to human extinction."

Even oil company models from the 1970-80's (before they were denying it), have turned out to be correct.

We've known the science for these calculations for over a 100 years.

But yeah, I guess I'm being pulled into responding to an anti-science bot again.

I feel like you’re missing the point? Once the temperature has risen it’ll already be too late, it doesn’t really matter if you then reduce carbon emissions after that point because all kinds of drastic non-reversible effects will have taken place.

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