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RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are (nationalpost.com)
20 points by spking 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

"An analysis last year by University of Calgary economist Trevor Tombe found that if Canada had merely kept pace with U.S. productivity growth for the last five years, Canadian per-capita earnings would be $5,500 higher than they are now."

This goes back to the 90's when "Canada is open for business" and instead of getting international investment, international companies bought out Canadian companies en mass, and sucked all that value out. And that's why Canada can't even tread water.

You can see this in America with We Work and Reddit IPOs, basically the most value has been removed and the corpse is being dumped in the hope that retail and funds pick it up, only to get screwed.

Yes, the mess Canada is currently in started long before Trudeau but his government certainly accelerated it.

A key problem is no investment in making things, only investment in housing. I blame the banks partly for that mentality and the government for their massive immigration policy that helped steer investment mentality to just invest in housing.

Yup, one track economies fail repeatedly if they don't diversify.

Reading about the report is scary for reasons the authors probably didn't intend. A bunch of talking points to justify further cracking down on talking points the government wants people to shut up about.

As TFA notes, the massive irony of flagging erosion of trust, followed by a massive redaction is a perfect metaphor.

It’s a report meant to highlight possible future risks. Is there any organization that can operate with no non-public communications at all?

And none of them have the sort of checks most western governments do, including heavy protection for whistleblowers, many have a statutory period after which all documents are declassified, right to information laws.

And from what I can tell based on the following link:


Canada appears to require federal court approval for classifying certain aspects of the report.

So it appears the only agenda here is by TFA which deems this as the action of “government censors”.

Maybe Canadians would prefer a system that is even more open and can vote accordingly, but it appears that the current system does have decent checks and balances, and is very clearly much more transparent than likely any other institution in Canada (which is indeed how it should be).

It's interesting how the article spins that 'increasing distrust of institutions' will be driven by 'misinformation'.

Rather than the 'realize how broke they are' part.

Yes, its a mirror image of the mentality regarding Ukraine and Gaza.

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