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Taiwan's Digital Minister activist Audrey Tang survives assassination attempt (twitter.com/glenweyl)
41 points by intellectronica 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

In addition to being Digital Minister, I was aware of Audrey Tang in work done with Perl6 (preceding Raku)[0]. As I understand it effectively it was a testbed for Perl6 changes that implemented the spec in Haskell/GHC.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pugs_(compiler)

It seems more like a random act of violence from a nutjob than a targeted assassination.

I had to run the linked articles through a translator, but I didn't see any mention of Audrey Tang or claims that this was in any way an assassination attempt.

The second article states that Tang Feng (Audrey) is The Digital Minister, and the guy was trying to get to the Digital Department, seemingly in relation to a law against online fraud that they recently passed. He probably would have been happy to shoot other people in the process, but he definitely would have wanted to shoot the leader and public face of that department especially.

D'oh. I was searching for "Audrey". I guess it was silly of me to assume they'd use her English name in the article. Thanks.

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