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Non-deterministic means random. AI or natural I is not random. Analog suffers immensely from noise and it is the reason the brain has such a large number of neurons, part to deal with noise and part to deal with losing some neurons along the way.

Non-deterministic doesn't mean random. Random means random. Non-deterministic means that specific inputs don't generate the same outputs. It says nothing about the distribution of the output values. A chaotic system isn't random, its just non-deterministic.

“Nondeternimism” gets used jn a variety of ways both from differing context and conflicting uses in the same context, but chaotic systems are fully deterministic in the most common relevant sense, but highly sensitive to inputs, resulting in even very small uncertainty in inputs to render them largely unpredictable.

Analog suffers from noise? What do you think you get when you convert analog to digital? Way more loss of signal than whatever inbuilt noise the analog signal had in the first place.

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