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I see what you mean, but to a reader unfamiliar with tauri this makes it sound really bad.

Here's how I use tauri:

Almost everything is native rust in the "backend" process, which is where main is. I don't need any ffi calls to write files, open ports, etc, it's a normal rust program that happens to have a web view.

So I've never had a problem with compiling to wasm, the GUI is TypeScript and the business logic is aot rust

The ipc boundary is annoying. It'll be faster in tauri 2, but in 1 it uses json or something internally, so you couldn't e.g. write a video player that uses a custom rust codec. Getting uncompressed video frames through ipc would kill perf

I'll take a look how dioxus solves this

One of this release's features is getting byte streams into the webview using custom protocols. It's not as ideal as say, sharing a GPU texture with the webview, but powerful enough to do video streaming and data viz.

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