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The people irritated by evangelists are morphing into some sort of evangelists themselves.

This is a big thing in YouTube comments. Many top comments warning about some expected "typical commenter response", with that response nowhere to be found.

They're generally much more prevalent than the originals.

Reminds me of a time long ago on World of Warcraft I complained about something exactly twice (2 times), and there was a guy who got bent out of shape, launching a diatribe about that I was "complaining about it again and again and never shutting up".

That came out of the blue for me, and offered no way for me to correct my behavior since he didn't make specific what he was really angry about.

I think it's the same story. Anti-Rustaceans get mixed up about why they reacted as they reacted. I'm guessing that in reality they had just reacted to the cultish/superior tone of some lone Rustacean at some point, but that's hard to put into words, so instead they generate the world-description that "there's evangelists everywhere" even though that wasn't what initially made them mad.

The original problem still lies with the Rustacean of course.

Perhaps basing your identity around what programming language you use (Rustacean) is part of the problem.

But there aren't that many people who do, at all, which was sort of OP's point.

Negative polarization is a hell of a drug. And key fuel of modern internet misbehavior.

"you were supposed to destroy evangelisms not join them!"

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