Not surprising, especially given non-existent "supplement" regulation. This problem is two-fold, it doesn't regulate what's actually bought as "CBD", and it doesn't require any clinical evidence of effectivity even when it actually is CBD,
IMHO, the only reason we see so many CBD products on the market is because THC is illegal, but CBD is not. So companies can glom onto the known medical benefits of cannabis, in places where THC is illegal, but totally bogus CBD supplements with no clinical evidence of effectiveness are not.
After using marijuana for ~50 years, it's very clear to me that a good deal of the mental stress relief and minor chronic pain relief benefits are _because_ of the psychoactive nature of the plant. Trying to remove these components (primarily THC) is defeating the purpose.
Somehow it's totally socially acceptable to kick back a few beers to unwind after work, but somehow marijuana is a "dangerous drug"? (never mind alcohol's addictiveness, liver damage and increased incidence of violent behavior)
Similar process is happening now with licensing of hallucinogenics for therapeutic purposes.
IMHO, the only reason we see so many CBD products on the market is because THC is illegal, but CBD is not. So companies can glom onto the known medical benefits of cannabis, in places where THC is illegal, but totally bogus CBD supplements with no clinical evidence of effectiveness are not.
After using marijuana for ~50 years, it's very clear to me that a good deal of the mental stress relief and minor chronic pain relief benefits are _because_ of the psychoactive nature of the plant. Trying to remove these components (primarily THC) is defeating the purpose.
Somehow it's totally socially acceptable to kick back a few beers to unwind after work, but somehow marijuana is a "dangerous drug"? (never mind alcohol's addictiveness, liver damage and increased incidence of violent behavior)
Similar process is happening now with licensing of hallucinogenics for therapeutic purposes.