That would be true if the test strings were "SS" and "ß", because although "ẞ" is a valid capitalization of "ß", it's officially a newcomer. It's more of a hybrid issue: it appears that APFS uses uppercasing for case-insensitive comparison, and also uppercases "ß" to "SS", not "ẞ". This is the default casing, Unicode also defines a "tailored casing" which doesn't have this property.
So it isn't per se normalization, but it's not not normalization either. In any case (heh) it's a weird thing that probably shouldn't happen. Worth noting that APFS doesn't normalize file names, but normalization happens higher up in the toolchain, this has made some things better and others worse.
So it isn't per se normalization, but it's not not normalization either. In any case (heh) it's a weird thing that probably shouldn't happen. Worth noting that APFS doesn't normalize file names, but normalization happens higher up in the toolchain, this has made some things better and others worse.