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> That seems like a bold claim that there's no way to compete. I can see the argument that no one can make that better product because of Apple's locked APIs and internal carve outs

So you agree? Apple does limit the available APIs. Just because a bunch of companies can make charging cables does not prove isn’t being anticompetitive. Cases and cables are the part of the market Apple can’t control.

I agree that Apple can be anti-competitive. I disagree with your assertion that it's because Apple users "never would consider buying non-Apple products". I even know people with iPhones and non-Apple smartwatches and workout tracking peripherals that they're happy with.

Your argument in the now-flagged OP was essentially that the reason no one made another smartwatch was because anyone with an Apple product is incapable of even considering buying anything non-Apple, which is patently untrue.

What is patently untrue is that Fitbit was ever given a fair chance to be as good as a product when paired with an iPhone. That is what my comment was originally pointing out, that there are other consumers out there with agenda to not buy another wrist computer brand. There are dogmatic consumers and non-dogmatic consumers and everyone inbetween but Apple made it impossible to choose another device.

I just thought the article paragraph was a bold take and not true (and obviously 9to5mac is biased), and it resulted in flagging which is unfortunate but not uncommon for any Apple criticism threads.

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