You're trying to package your religion as something which it isn't. Creationism is Christian theology, not science. People know this. On some level, you know this.
Of course I know that. And further I know evolutionism is the same. Indeed I opened this entire thread with the statement: "both are faith based responses to questions we cannot answer any other way."
It would seem you are not paying attention to what is actually being said.
In fact, I'm not. Science covers the field of things which can be observed and explained via repeatable tests. The concept of micro-evolution is well within the purview of science, as we can and have observed small changes in populations based on environmental conditions, and we have established many repeatable tests of such phenomena.
Macro-evolution (what I call evolutionism), on the other hand, has never been scientifically observed, explained, tested, or anything of the sort. It is an attempt at creating a fanciful story of how things came to be by extrapolating back from what we see now in entirely unrigorous, untestable, unobservable ways. It fits much more squarely in the category of History, Mythology, and indeed Theology (aTheology?) than "Science".
What a bizarre loop to find oneself caught in. So sure the other person is lying, but thoroughly unable to come up with any evidence to show for it. And unwilling or unable to consider the implications of that lack of evidence.
And people say religious folks are the brainwashed ones!
You're trying to package your religion as something which it isn't. Creationism is Christian theology, not science. People know this. On some level, you know this.