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When Covid hit me, it felt like having a stroke and the effect was that I suddenly perceived that I don't have enough energy to sustain vision, instead I could perceive the delineation between object localization, object recognition, character-to-text conversion etc. It was like the brain was an engine that suddenly lacked fuel (I could force individual parts to "work" at the cost of immense pain) and dissolved into individual services competing for resources. The experience was both frightening and awesome. Not sure how I survived that (it took over 3 years to get back to normal). Diffuse MRI didn't find anything anyway.

> The experience was both frightening and awesome.

Basically LSD.

It feels so weird to just... I don't know, have a different personality for a while. And when your normal self clicks back it's so relieving.

This made me appreciate what a miracle it is that my brain is fully working most of the time, and realize what a horrible disease dementia is.

had a relatable but almost opposite experience (no obvious infection, but it was winter 20/21), where I noticed that objects in my visual field seemed to be differentiating themselves away from the background and “competing” for my attention when previously I had to go hunt for them.

October 2020 here. I guess you got a boost whereas I got an obstruction of whatever was delivering energy.

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