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>You clamor about the need for change in a society.... and yet you are a part of of one, how curious!

The town drunk telling you to hand the barkeep your keys does not detract from the validity of their point. Try to approach things from the strongest avenue possible, otherwise things devolve into guttersniping.

And the point is, at some point, you have to get it out there somewhere in order for it to have been said. The only concern I have with the points being made here; is the paradox of FLOSS. We must have a public, free and in the public trust corpus of software. Locking everything behind for profits just leads to computing definitely being inaccessible to most everyone. Yet look at all the value extraction bootstrapped on FLOSS stacks where companies get bootstrapped around the composition of a few primitives; but inevitably hooked by the caste of management/MBA types, or utilized as social engineering lever by governments. See social media, car manufacturers, IaaS now, finance companies, banks, etc ...

It is a most concerning trend.

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