Many apps lack a good means of triggering "reminders" on iOS and MacOs. Apple seems to keep the secret sauce to themselves. 3rd party apps just miss the mark IMO. However, the reminders app itself leave a lot to be desired. So something like this that ties a great app into what the native apps reminders is a great idea. Thank you for sharing!
What features is the Reminders app missing? I switched from Things to Reminders and didn't notice any missing features. Not doubting your statement - I'm genuinely curious to know what functionality might be lacking in Reminders that I'm unaware of.
I certainly see the notifications for incomplete tasks from Reminders on my lock screen every time I lift my iPhone. I have one I've been ignoring for weeks. Seems pretty persistent to me...
I have used that, it's pretty nice! For now I settled on TickTick cause it's easy to use from my Linux laptop and my iOS devices. If you are fully Apple, Due is a good choice.
This is probably one of the best yet most underrated features of the various stock Apple organizational apps: they work just as well as vendor agnostic clients for standard protocols (IMAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, etc) with relatively little favoring of first-party services.
I wish this were more common, but instead it’s more typical to see things like the vendor agnostic Windows Mail being abandoned for “new” Outlook which is much pushier about using MS services.