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> World is full of people like you who apparently see absolutely nothing wrong with exfiltrating identifying information from other people's computers.

True. But such people are like cockroaches. They know what they are doing will be unpopular with their targets, so they keep it hidden. This is easy enough to do in closed designs, car manufacturers selling your driving habits to insurance companies and health monitoring app selling menstrual cycle data to retailers selling to women.

Compare that do say Debian and RedHat. They too collect performance data. But the code is open source, Debian has repeatable builds so you can be 100% sure that is the code in use, and every so often someone takes a look it. Guess what, the data they send back is so unidentifiable it satisfies even the most paranoid of their 1000's of members.

All it takes is a little bit of sunlight to keep the cockroaches at bay, and then we can safely let the devs collect the data they need to improve code. And everyone benefits.

I fully support the schemes for telemetry that already happens. It’s just obnoxious that there’s no apparent reason behind the support of one kind of anonymous telemetry versus another. For every 1 person who digests the package repo’s explanation of the telemetry strategy, there are 19 who feel okay with GitHub having all the telemetry and none of the open source repos they host because of vibes.

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